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Walk No.5

Route: Sharpham lane up and down
Duration: 20 mins
Time of day: v early morning

Thinking - behind thinking, behind thinking, behind thinking - thinking about all the layers of thinking.

Shorthand - a mark encapsulating thinking = shorthand.  And how to encapsulate my walks, how to create a shorthand.

Cartesian  - My mind flows faster than my hand, I begin to separate the hand from the mind, writing is not an easy extension of mind.  Is this an experience of  a cartesian mind/soul-body split...... How can I imagine the hand and mind being whole.  Does drawing in an instinctive way achieve this?

Poverty - A recurring thought, as I often walk past grandeur, materialism and plain old rich people's houses - nose up against the window -  of the privilege of leisure walking, the Idler, the Flaneur, and walking/wandering as a frivolous endeavour, an activity reserved for the wealthy.  What purpose is there to walking if not to get somewhere?  Walter Benjamin used walking to research.   I ponder the implications being a wanderer now. The social code or label for what kind of walking we do and the attributed classification of worth. The residual feeling that I am contravening my status. I'm no Benjamin.

Hello - I am yanked out of my reverie by a another early riser.  It's a surprise.  I realise how unconscious I've been, uninhibited, not caring or even aware of how I am being or behaving and suddenly I have to perform the polite ritual of saying hello to a total stranger and being civil....
The conventions of polite society.... and parochial walking.


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